Admission Policy
Assumption Academy accepts students of any race, color, or ethnic origin with first choice governed by registered, active members of the parish. All new enrollments must be preceded by an interview with the Pastor. Parents of students entering grades K-8 also must meet with the principal.
Parishioner Admission Policy:
The Diocesan School Board’s definition of a parishioner is: “One who is registered, attends, and contributes to the parish to which one belongs.” Therefore, the following conditions must be met before any child will be accepted:
1. Families registered in Assumption Parish are given priority for new student’s admission.
2. The family must support the church to the best of its ability.
3. There must be evidence of the practice of the Catholic faith.
Non-Catholic Admission Policy:
The very nature and purpose of Assumption Academy requires all students to participate in Religion classes and activities. Catholics are expected to be active participants. Non-Catholics participate by their very presence. Regardless of their professed faith, non-Catholic students are required to complete the assignments and will receive a grade in Religion.
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year
Preschool: 48
Kindergarten-8th grade: 212
Total: 260 students